Saturday, December 11, 2010

Insecticidal Soap for Safe Insect Control

Safer's Insecticidal Soap: 500mL Concentrate

This is another product that I really LOVE! Insecticidal Soap is a really amazing and a SAFE way to control those little bugs that like to eat on your plants. The Insecticidal Soap will stick to the leaves really well and it works to kill the bugs fast. I like it because there are no dangerous chemicals in it. It has an odor, but its light and not too bad. You can safely use it on houseplants and tropical plants. You can also use it on shrubs and flowers like pansies and roses.. It works well on aphids, spider mites, scale and mealy bugs. Sometimes it may take a few spraying's to get rid of all the insects, but at least you don't have to break out the hard-core insecticides! Happy Gardening!

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