Friday, November 12, 2010


I know....Thanksgiving isn't here yet but the Christmas Cactus are hitting all the stores already! I just wanted to give you some instructions on how to care for these beautiful plants in case you get one for the holidays......

Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera Zygocactus)

Likes bright indirect light, loves humidity(recreate with a misting bottle) and "even" watering. Christmas cactus come in a few different colors and have very fragile joints so be careful they don't get knocked around too much. Prune them back about 4 weeks after blooming. Don't let them get too cold either. They will freeze. The Christmas cactus is not a true desert-like cactus. They originated from high up in the Brazilian forest, growing from tree limbs. Many times the healthy Christmas cactus will re bloom around Easter. They really like to be root- bound and to get them to bloom they need fertilizer and equal amounts of light and darkness. It is always best to leave the Christmas cactus in one "happy" place during blooming so it doesn't drop it's blooms. Hope you get one of these beautiful plants for the holidays this year! Happy Gardening!

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