Sunday, November 7, 2010

Welcome to ThePrettyPetunias....

Fall is here finally! I love Fall!
I live on the Texas Gulf Coast 2 blocks away from Galveston Bay. I am so glad to have a break from the heat of our Summer. The plants are perking up and growing again and the customers are coming back to the garden center to visit again.
It was a long, hot, dry summer. Sure glad it's over.....
Most people don't seem to know that Fall is a great "planting time". It is a good time to put trees in the ground and get some "cool weather" annuals going. The lawn needs a feeding and the beds need some mulching. Most people don't do as much in the yard when it is hot, so now is catch-up time. Spray as needed to get rid of pest like aphids and whitefly......
Did you get some grasshopers this year???? Boy they were a mess! Did you have you some lawn fungus?? Don't fertilize if you still have active fungus, instead treat it with a lawn fungicide.
Happy gardening!


  1. We dont have fungus but we also dont have any grass, we have some "fine" ground covoer under a HUGE shade tree and its starting to die! What do you think that I should use/do so that it doesnt turn to pure MUD? lol. I miss the garden center deeply!

  2. We miss you too Tiffany! How about a perennial Rye Grass seed?? Your ground cover is dying back because it is seasonal. Rye will fill in for the cooler season and it is beautiful as well!
