Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Mums the Word....

Chrysanthemums or Mums....You see them in vases at the florist or big spirit mums at Homecoming games, but Mums are beautiful in the garden. Garden mums bloom profusely at least twice a year. Give them full sun 6 hrs a day to make them produce abundantly. Most garden centers will sell the garden mums in the Fall around September but some will get them in the spring too. If you are just getting them in the ground you need to know that they need plenty water when blooming. Now if you have already planted the mums.......AFTER they bloom, cut the plants back. Cut them back to 4 inches. Don't forget they are there, give them water still but not as much. Mums bloom around April-May and October. So after you cut them back they will come back out and Bloom again when it is time. Success Tip: Fertilize with Green Light Super Bloom starting at least one month before they should bloom ...... once a week, through the blooming period. A mistake some people make when they plant mums is that they think they are so pretty they plant them right at the front of a bed. Mums can get big! Give them room to grow least 2 feet tall and wide! Remember if its at the front of your bed, you may block other plants..... Now for those of you that bought mums this Fall and they are still in pots, that's fine! Leave them in the pots till spring or plant them now. If you need to pull some up to re-plant, go for it! Our weather is so mild right now, it's a great time to plant!! Happy Gardening!

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